by Mwangi Wanjumbi | Oct 16, 2023 | Uncategorized
“Most often, students are in our hands for 4 years. We do everything possible to ensure that they will be successful in their life, even long after leaving school. How is it possible that you can transform the mindsets of such students after being with them for an...
by Mwangi Wanjumbi | May 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
Seemingly, there is always an unusual experience that presents lessons worth sharing. Sometimes last term, in a school somewhere in Muranga County, I was somehow held hostage by the institutional manager. Since, they had interests of taking the school through a...
by Mwangi Wanjumbi | May 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
Seemingly, our Bottom-Up Empowerment Strategy continues gaining traction as the Competency Based Curriculum – CBC becomes entrenched and therefore irreversible. This is confirmed by our continued experiences. While interacting with institutional managers this week, an...
by Mwangi Wanjumbi | May 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
As numerously shared in this Forum, our empowerment strategy has been research oriented, right from the onset. As such, we keenly listen to questions directed to us. Ocassionary, the respective answers lead to previously unexpected solutions. This week, we interacted...
by Mwangi Wanjumbi | May 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
Many times in this forum, I have shared a biblical reference from Galatians 6:9 which says “never tire doing what is right; rewards will follow you at the appropriate time.” Alongside, I have also narrated incidences of encountering hostile training participants....
by Mwangi Wanjumbi | May 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
Seemingly, there is always an unusual experience every now and then, which leads to some lessons worth sharing. Our empowerment mission this week took us through a Mt. Kenya region circuit. Alongside, I met a deputy principal somewhere in a Tharaka Nthi Sub-County...
by Mwangi Wanjumbi | May 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
On the Friday of 17th March 2023, one follower of this forum alerted yours truly ( through a side-chart) on a write-up that appeared in one of the daily newspapers, on career issues. “What do we do with these degrees?” Wondered four unemployed Kenyan graduates, as...
by Mwangi Wanjumbi | May 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
Feedback on inability to read our transformative publications has continually been revealed in this Forum, especially with regard to the KICD approved Career Dynamics in the 21st Century. The good news however is that the same is widely used for education...
by Mwangi Wanjumbi | May 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
Did you know that some teachers re-enter the school system for further studies after our seminars? These revelations can variously be traced in our You Tube Channel. Mind you, statistics on the ground continue indicating that only 10% of teachers joined the career by...
by Mwangi Wanjumbi | May 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
As we interacted with institutional managers in Kiambu and Nakuru Counties this week, one of them raised an important issue that may be of interest to all. Upon noticing the various challenges that lead to indiscipline in schools, she indicated interest in this...
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