The greatest challenges of our times originate from the fact that:-
1. More than 80% of employed Kenyans are dispassionate about their work or careers. This greatly contributes to mediocre performance not only in organizations, but also at national situation.
2. More than 50% of Kenyan graduates are either unemployed or largely unemployable, a situation that leads to continued youth disempowerment.
3. Majority of the dispassionate Kenyans are generally unable to successfully cope with change or identify and exploit associated opportunities during this dynamic 21st Century.
By Mwangi Wanjumbi
Career Dynamics
in the 21st Century
Those who have attended Mwangi Wanjumbi’s training sessions know that he is passionate about asking one simple question:
“Why do you work? Give me 5 answers, which must have nothing to do with money. I will reward anybody scoring at least 9 out of 10 marks with Ksh. 1000 (or US $ 10 for International delegates).” This extrinsic motivation has demonstrated the seriousness of the exercise, which has encouraged the participants to review the deepest inspirations that drive their careers.
By Mwangi Wanjumbi
Living Beyond Survival:
No More Tiptoeing in LifeHello Reader!
•Are you passionate in whatever you do for a living?
•Are you unleashing your full performance potential, therefore achieving your deserving rewards?
If both answers are in the affirmative, congrats and keep it up. However, you may need to appreciate that there is always room for improvement, in any situation.

Best Selling Author
Mwangi Wanjumbi (MKIM)
Mwangi Wanjumbi (MKIM) is a
-Careers Coach/Talent Alignment Specialist
-Seasoned Speaker/Trainer on Strategy, -Change Management and Leadership.
-Founder Member and Trainer of Trainers for The Professional Trainers Association of Kenya since 2009
– Has since 2008 been a NITA – National Industrial Training Authority accredited Chief Trainer
Author of
1. KICD approved Career Dynamics in the 21st Century,
2. Living Beyond Survival:No More Tiptoeing in Life and
3. The 21st Century Student: Are You Creating The Future Today?
– Also, has had numerous articles widely published in the daily as well as periodical media and is currently a Retired 5 Year Monthly Strategy Columnist (2013 – 2018) for The SME Today Magazine
Sadly, the three earlier highlighted challenges are very deeply rooted. Why?
If you closely check the school system, you will largely find the following common challenges in almost all schools ;-
1. Poor attitudes
2. Poor student focus
3. Indiscipline and
4. Poor reading culture
All the four combined lead to OVERALL POOR PERFORMANCE and eventual disempowerment.
The good news is that the issues have been extensively addressed through our research based BOTTOM UP STRATEGY of solving performance challenges. Application of this strategy borrows from practical, scientific and philosophically backed principles documented in the following two publications
1. Career Dynamics in the 21st Century. The same was ;
a) approved by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development – KICD for circulation in Kenyan secondary schools and
b) Used for alignment of the new curriculum – CBC (Competence Based Curriculum) that is currently undergoing implementation.
Most importantly, readers understand how to practically
i) align their life strategy or
ii) correct any disempowerment challenges already experienced
2. “Living Beyond Survival : No More Tiptoeing in Life.” This is an advancement of “Career Dynamics in the 21st Century.” Readers acquire high order practical skills that sustainably lead to continued empowerment and personal growth
The BOTTOM UP EMPOWERMENT STRATEGY documented through our publications is reinforced through three unique seminars as well as a coaching session, all of which turn the disseminated knowledge into reality. The same include:-
1. Creating the Future Today Seminar for Secondary School Students – 21/2 hours
2. Re-Creating the Future Today Seminar for Teachers, University Students, or
Organizational Staff and Societal Forums
3. Leadership Strategy in the 21st Century for Professionals, Organizations and Societal Forums.
4. Career/Personal Development Coaching sessions
Upon initially finding this research based Bottom Up Empowerment Strategy to be practically effective, it was tested in the school system in 2015, through a Nairobi based extra-county secondary school. Extremely encouraging communication from the school, on the impact of the strategy, is already in the public domain.
The empowerment strategy has by now reached numerous schools, so far spread in at least 10 Counties. Some schools have benefited from either seminars for students or teachers or both. Continually improved performances have so far been achieved, in almost all cases.
Since publication of “Career Dynamics in the 21st Century,” we have in all conducted more than 200 seminars, in secondary schools, Universities, Religious Sector, Corporate Bodies etc. Incidentally, acquiring and reading of the publication has preceded all invites for conducting the said seminars, in the different institutions.
Our empowerment strategy through seminars, has particularly attracted numerous national, extra – county and county schools amongst others. The empowerment strategy follows a holistic process that enables participants to not only solve their immediate performance challenges, but also appropriately align their life strategy, based on the dynamics of the 21st century. The schools too continually experience improved performance. That is why we are excited revealing examples of satisfied customers, who have repeatedly invited us to conduct our unique empowerment seminars. They include;-
1. State House Girls HS., Nairobi – We empowered outgoing form 1 classes in 2015, 2016 and 2017, during subject selection exercises.
2. Auki Sec School, Maua, Meru – We empowered Teachers, non-teaching staff and Alumni in December 2017 as well as Form 2, 3 and 4 classes in Feb 2018.
3. Iriaini GHS, Othaya, Nyeri – We empowered all Teachers in April 2019 and Form 4 Class in May 2019.
4. Machakos GHS, Machakos – We empowered Form 4 girls in March 2019 and Form 2 Class in February 2020.
During this dynamic 21st Century, every bit of knowledge acquired from the education system, is continually supposed to be aligned to a definite Career Pathway, based on fundamental empowerment factors. The good news is that those who embrace our initial 3 hr only coaching strategy, quickly realise their Career Pathway or what may have gone wrong or needs to be done, if already out of school. The truth is that weak foundations lead to eventual personal development challenges and should therefore be avoided. Welcome for more on this and other solutions.
“Career Dynamics in the 21st Century” particularly, has besides being reviewed in the daily print media, attracted several interviews on Radio and Television Stations, since publication. Good examples include Kenyatta University TV Station and Kameme FM Radio. Some soft copies of the interviews are accessible
Our Bottom Up Empowerment Strategy started successfully taking shape in organizations. We still employ the same even today. The good news is that from these experiences, we learnt how to develop deeply rooted empowerment solutions that are continually sustainable.
Employers are today keenly interested in developing and rewarding the TOP 20% performers. The next 70% AVERAGE PERFORMERS are RETAINED. Finally, the BOTTOM 10% PERFORMERS are persistently laid off. That explains why today’s initial employment contracts are largely for one year, to give way for evaluation. Therefore, the degree of employment continuity, based on performance standards of every employee, during this dynamic 21st Century should be of great concern to all, isn’t it?
You can learn more on this from
“Career Dynamics in the 21st Century” and “Living Beyond Survival; No More Tiptoeing in life” as well as our respective seminars.
Book Forewords
Allow me therefore to appreciate the author’s great efforts of raising the standards of education in Kenya
and beyond, which have also been recognized by various..Readmore
– Joan Muoti (Mrs), Chief Principal Statehouse Girls’ High School,Nairobi
The author, who is a seasoned and much sought after Speaker, Trainer as
well as Management Consultant seems to be uniquely gifted in developing
practical …Readmore
– Dr. Nicholas Leting, PhD., Vice Chancellor. Management University of Africa
Consequently, I take this opportunity to congratulate the author, for a job well done, especially by a veteran member of the Kenya Institute of Management. I …Readmore
– Mureithi Ndegwa OGW, HSC, MKIM Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer The Kenya Institute of Management (KIM)
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